Waterresort Bodelaeke
Investing Bodelaeke

Investing Bodelaeke

An overview of the top ten benefits of investing

  • The investment provides you with an amazing holiday destination;
  • The park is located at one of the most popular holiday destinations in The Netherlands;
  • The location is unique; On the shores of a national park;
  • High-quality development and construction; Stable in value as a result;
  • Recreational real estate is a great addition to your investmente portfolio;
  • Enjoy carefree stay; The rental process and maintenance of recreation accommodations is handled centrally;
  • Stable rental revenue; Water Resort Bodelaeke caters to a very luxurious niche market. The target audience is loyal and likes to come back;
  • Thanks to the specific target audience we cater to, your investment is invested in a crisis-proof way with us; 
  • Your rental revenues are adjusted annually based on market demand and inflation index. This allows your investment to perform in accordance with the market;
  • In addition to private capital, the purchase of a holiday accommodation can often be financed too;

Stable investments!

Bodelaeke is not a suitable product for attaining high returns. Investing in Bodelaeke means safe and carefree investment, because we are a niche market that is barely affected by economic changes or market developments. Owners at Bodelaeke invest in a stable product which significantly reduces the risk of an investment portfolio, because the returns and value of our holiday accommodation are stable and predictable. 

At Bodelaeke, you can buy a holiday accommodation that must always be offered for commercial letting for at least 200 days per year according to the prevailing zoning plan. 

Are you interested in a purchase?  Contact us
